diumenge, 27 de novembre del 2016

Crema de Ceps

Crema de Ceps

  • 300 gr de ceps (poden ser congelats)
  • 1 safata de xampinyons (poden ser laminats)
  • 1 copeta de xerès
  • 1 litre de caldo de pollastre
  • 4 cebes
  • sal

Sofregir la ceba.

Un cop daurada, afegir els bolets.

Eliminar l'aigua, afegir-hi el xerès i deixar reduir.

Afegir el caldo i cuinar durant uns 10 minuts. Rectificar de sal.

Triturar i reservar.

1 comentari:

  1. Let's start again reminds us that every fresh beginning is an opportunity to learn, grow, and move forward with renewed energy. I feel like my routine is all over the place, and handling my high school assignment on time has become tricky. There’s always so much to do, and I’m not sure how others keep everything balanced. How do you manage your assignments while keeping up with other school activities? Do you follow any specific schedule, or are there tips that make things easier? I’d really like to know what works for you so I can get my work done without feeling stuck. Any advice would be a big help!
