dimecres, 1 de maig del 2013

Fira del vi de Falset 2013

La Fira del Vi de Falset ja és tot un clàssic! 

Enguany celebra la 18a edició i es consolida com una de les millors fires per a conèixer els vins de qualitat de la zona del Priorat i el Montsant.

El primer cap de setmana del mes de maig, tan dissabte dia 4 com el diumenge 5, d'11h a 21h, podeu gaudir d'aquesta excel·lent fira. 

Copa + 5 degustacions + entrada al Castell del Vi = 12€

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1 comentari:

  1. "Fira del vi de Falset 2013" was a vibrant celebration of wine held in Falset, Spain. This annual event brought together wine enthusiasts, producers, and locals to showcase the region's rich winemaking heritage. Attendees had the opportunity to sample a diverse selection of wines, ranging from bold reds to crisp whites, while enjoying live music, food tastings, and cultural performances. The Fira del vi de Falset 2013 offered a unique opportunity to immerse oneself in the local wine culture, discover new varietals, and appreciate the craftsmanship behind each bottle. It was a memorable gathering that celebrated the artistry and tradition of winemaking in Falset. abogado de testamentos y sucesiones cerca de mí
